Friday, 14 November 2014

A New Mayor

Photo Credit - City Mag

With the local government elections now done and dusted, we would like to congratulate all successful candidates and the new and re-elected mayors to our State. There were 44 councils participating in elections and a total of 77 elected members and 44 Mayors.  

Bicycle  SA held a forum where we invited all ACC candidates the opportunity to speak for 2 minutes and share their vision for a Cycle friendly City.

To the assembled 60 interested  Bike SA members and friends, the opportunity to hear from candidates was very much appreciated.

We would like to take the opportunity to congratulate all ACC elected members and particular our new Lord Mayor Martin Haese.

At the forum, Martin expressed a personal desire to work with Bike SA as we move forward and Bike SA will work to develop a productive relationship with all the elected members to ensure the city of Adelaide continues to build on the considerable changes achieved by the previous council.

In that regard, we would like to acknowledge the significant contribution that council made under the previous Lord Mayor Stephen Yarwood.

His passion and passion to make Adelaide a vibrant, sustainable and relevant capital city deep into this century must be applauded. Of course he wouldn’t have been able to do this without the support of his fellow elected members.

And so a new era begins and bike SA will continue to advocate strongly for the interests of the thousands of workers, visitors and students who choose to ride their bikes in the city daily and for those who want to but currently aren’t.
Become a member of Bike SA and help us advocate for safer cycling conditions.

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