Friday, 14 November 2014

What are the top crash types?

What are the 3 crash types responsible for most of the serious casualties among SA cyclists? Chances are, they're not the ones you think...

Car doors? Nope. Side-swipes? Not those either. All three of the crashes that are responsible for over 60% of serious cycling casualties in SA involve a turning vehicle.

If that was one of your 3, well done - but you're in the minority. Most cyclists we spoke to didn't even rate turning vehicles in their list of likely suspects.

The good news is that we have a chance to change this - to marry perception with fact and to have a meaningful discussion around what we can do to improve our own safety.

The Be Safe Be Seen Workplace Bicycle Education Program aims to equip cyclists with the facts about these top 3 crash types and strategies to avoid them. 

We simply want to decrease our risk and to increase our confidence out on the road.

It's only 30 minutes, it's for all levels of cycling experience and for motorists, it's free and you get a safety pack worth $100 for attending. Oh, and we bring it to you. Easy.

See if your organisation qualifies or get more info:

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