Friday 5 September 2014

Citizens' Jury to talk bikes and cars.

You've probably read about it in the paper last week. Bikes will be left, right and centre in the upcoming South Australian Citizens' Jury. 

Recently the Premier announced the formation of a Citizens' Jury that will look at the question of "Motorists and cyclists will always be using our roads. What things could we trial to ensure they share the roads safely?”

What's it all about? 

The State government has invited 6,000 ordinary South Australians to participate in a jury - and they'll eventually select 35 of them. The jury will meet five times in September and October, before presenting its final report with recommendations to the Government in November and the Government will respond to the jury’s recommendations in January. (You can read more about it here). 

What's Bike SA doing about it? 

We've been invited to sit on the reference group to provide informed advice to the jury and to put forward ideas for a panel of experts who will present to the jury and respond to any questions/clarifications that members may have.

It is important to note that Bike SA, as a member of the reference group, will not actually participate as a juror. The jury will operate at arms length from government and advocates but be informed by them so as to come up with realistic recommendations.

We think that this is great news for South Australia. Within 3 months of the Velo-city conference being held in Adelaide, we now have this terrific initiative of the Premier to move the cycling agenda forward. 

It's a unique opportunity for the community to get engaged and be a part of the conversation that will see improvements in road safety. 

It's yet another reason why we're thankful to our member and supporters for helping us be at the forefront of advocacy. 

You can read more at or become a Bike SA member to support our advocacy work

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